What is SRT SSB ? | what is Situation Reaction Test (SRT) in SSB interview?

In this blog you will get to know about what is the SSB (SRT) Situation reaction test ? , procedure of SSB SRT test , SRT SSB Solved examples and sample question and answer of SSB SRT test . In 5 day procedure of SSB interview round various test is conducted such as WAT , OIR , PPDT ,SRT etc . Among them Situation Reaction test ( SRT) is a part of psychological test conducted by SSB to check the situation handling mindset of the candidate .

What is SRT SSB ? | what is Situation Reaction Test (SRT) in SSB interview?
What is SRT SSB ? | what is Situation Reaction Test (SRT) in SSB interview?

Situation Reaction Test (SRT) is conducted on Day-2 of SSB interviews in stage-2 after elimination of candidates from Stage-1 of SSB interview procedure . It is the third test in the series of ‘Psychological tests’. It is important to know the fact that SRT is conducted immediately after the WAT. There is a gap of 10 minutes only between these two tests.

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What is SRT test in SSB interview ?

In this test, certain situations are described where the candidate is asked to respond to the situation explained. Situations that are explained or described to the candidates are usually related with day to day real-life situations. The unknown situations are not usually asked to respond.

SRT SSB example :

You are in a hurry to attend an interview while walking to reach the place you see an injured person on the road. You will….
Reaction Take an auto to go to hospital and admit injured person in the hospital, inform his family and will take that auto to reach the interview on time.
Complete Action You admitted the injured person and then attended the interview.

How is SSB SRT conducted ?

The SSB SRT ( Situation reaction test ) is conducted by SSB in the following ways :

  1. SRT consists of 60 situations total of 30 minutes are alloted to solve the 60 situations, i.e. around 30 seconds are available for every situation.
  2. All the 60 day to day situations/activities are printed in a booklet which are distributed to the candidates before the test commences.
  3. The candidates are asked to write his reaction by completing the sentences, as how they would feel, think and act in these situations.
  4. The responses are supposed to be written in a separate answersheet provided by the SSB for the same purpose.

How to Qualify SSB SRT test ?

You can follow the points provided below to qualify or master the situation reaction test (SRT) of your SSB Interview .

  • Practice as much as possible because Practicing a lot with a focus is the foremost essence of this test.
  • When you see the situation on the paper. Write whatever comes to mind, but which makes sense.
  • Whatever reaction you write must be positive and meaningful is very important.
  • Though uncommon situations are presented, try to make a meaningful conclusion/reaction because it reveals you are capable of handling any situation.
  • If you find that a situation is repeated in another form then give the reaction differently but see it is not contradictory to the previous reaction.
  • Do not make irresponsible reaction, in other words do not merely react to the situation. Let your reaction be filled with responsibility.
  • Do not make the sentence incomplete at the same time the sentence preferably should be short to manage time.
  • Do not make a long explanation because it is time consuming, remember you have only 30 seconds per situation.

Common SRT for SSB interview :

Below we have provided few common SRT problems with their answer so that aspirant can look upon it for better understanding regarding the SRT test of SSB .

  1. During a train journey, he found the compartment catching fire and people were trying to jump out. He ……..
    Reaction : Advised, the people not to jump out until train stops, pulled the alarm
    chain etc.
  2. A fellow passenger has fallen from a running train. He …….
    Reaction : He pulls the chain to stop the train and helps the fellow to rescue from injuries.
  3. You are at a railway station with your old parents, suddenly it is announced that a burning train full of explosives is coming towards platform. You …….
    Reaction: You will take your parents away, also help others who are not able to
    move away from the platform.
  4. A fellow passenger in the train objects to his smoking being an offence in
    public place. He ……..
    Reaction: He accepts that it is an offence and says that he will not continue.
  1. Being the eldest of the family, he found his family was uprooted due to cyclone. He …….
    Reaction: He tried to rehabilitate the family by arranging necessary things.
  2. While he returned, he saw the river was over flooded, but he had to go home urgently. He …….
    Reaction: He had to take an alternative means like a steamer and would reach home.
  1. He found a few members were going to backout from joining picnic. He…..
    Reaction: He persuaded them to join picnic.
  2. In a picnic towards the late hours of the evening he was served with cold food. He ……..
    Reaction: He accepted the cold food.
  1. You are going to deposit exam fee which has 3 days still for last date, your friend has no money to pay fees he is poor.
    Reaction: You will pay his fees as your parents can afford it.
  2. You are taking your father to hospital at the same time there is an accident where a boy got minor injuries.
    Reaction: You will take the boy to the hospital along with your father and get him treated then leave the boy to the home.

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Last words :

SSB interview test you in various ways before finale selection of candidates . Practicing and understanding the various test of SSB will help you to qualify them easily . SRT contains tricky problem whose answer you should give in calm mindset and sound mature and realistic . Moreover one thing you must remember that your reaction should be your own and do not sound scripted otherwise it will form a bad perception . Hoping this blog help you to get answer of all of your query regarding SSB SRT still have any doubt then let us know from commenting below .

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