PPDT tips and tricks , Solution, sample pictures for SSB interview

In this blog you will get to know about PPDT test of SSB . ppdt stands for Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PP&DT) is a projection test at SSB which is a part of the screening test. PPDT test is conducted on the first day after OIR test . On the first day of SSB process those who are unable to qualify are send back home. So one must prepare for SSB interview various test along with their NDA & CDS exam .

PPDT tips and tricks , Solution, sample stories for SSB interview
PPDT tips and tricks , Solution, sample stories for SSB interview

In PPDT Picture Perception and Discussion Test is conducted to see a picture, understand it and describe it. These tests are geared to know more about the personality of the candidate in various shades. This is conducted to know the candidate’s imagination power and description ability in a limited time.

PPDT is about writing a story on the basis of the picture shown to the candidate. He has to narrate it within the given time and discuss with his group members to form a common story.

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Rule of PPDT test of SSB :

  1. In PPDT, for the purpose of perception, the candidates will be shown a hazy (blurred) picture. The picture is deliberately blurred.
  2. The picture is displayed for only 30 seconds through a video projector and a screen.
  3. The picture may consist of more than one character, so in the given time of 30 seconds, the candidates should find how many characters are there and what is their age, sex and mood.
  4. In the next step the screen goes off and the assessor gives the candidates 1 minute to jot down the details of the picture in a sheet provided for the purpose.
  5. All the details related to sex, gender, age, mood etc of the characters in the picture have to be marked inside the box printed on the sheet provided for the purpose.
  6. In the next step, the candidate gets 4 minutes to write a story using the details jotted down and keeping the picture in the mind. The story should be written on the sheet provided for the same purpose.

Tips for Writing Story in PPDT test :

Following points should be kept in mind while writing a story in ppdt :

  • It is important to make a practical and rational story instead of being too imaginative.
  • Make a rough outline of the story before writing.
  • Imagine positively and make story on a positive message. The story must have a positive direction with a positive message.
  • There should be a central character. This central character must do something to help somebody else, which will make this character the hero of the story.
  • Never write a pre-conceived story. Some candidates memorise a few stories and then try to somehow make them fit into the shown pictures.
  • Practice writing stories of ppdt by keeping blurred pictures in front of you and at the same time manage the time properly.

PPDT Discussion round on the Picture overview :

After picture shown and writing of the story, the next step involved is discussion of picture. This part is most important as it involves two crucial levels of tests.

  • Individual narration:
  • Group discussion

PPDT Individual narration :

After the writing of the story is finished, the candidates will be divided into a group of 10-14 members. They are made to sit in a semi circular way. An assessor is also present. Here, the candidate gets a chance to revise the story before narration starts individually.The narration takes place in the following way :

  1. Inside the discussion room the PPDT sheets are given back to look into the story. When the discussion begins, each candidate is required to narrate his story individually one by one.
  2. Assessor gives sufficient information regarding whether the candidate is required to tell the details seen in the picture or he has to straight away narrate the story. So, it is very essential to listen carefully to the information.
  3. Candidate with the least chest number starts narrating his/her story; once his narration is finished, the next candidate starts narration. This continues till last candidate.
  4. Once the narration starts, the assessor will not interrupt the candidates. On the other hand, candidates are also not allowed to talk to assessors.
  5. The language allowed to narrate the story is English and if the candidate gets stuck in between, he can use Hindi, but it is very crucial to switch back to English as soon as possible.
  6. The candidate should finish the story within ‘40-60’ seconds. So, it is advisable to keep the story very short as well as logical. As soon as the last candidate finishes his individual narration of the story, the ‘Discussion’ starts.

PPDT Group Discussion:

Group discussion starts immediately after the last candidate finishes his individual narration. At the discussion, candidates are made to sit as shown in the figure where there is a GTO, IO and also a psychologist present .

Group discussion takes place in the following way :

  1. Group discussion begins among the group members.
  2. The assessor do not interrupt while discussion is going on.
  3. In the group of 6 to 7 candidates, all of them start speaking at the same time trying to convince each other.
  4. It is the motto of the group discussion to make a common story out of the picture that was shown.
  5. If the group becomes inconclusive, the assessor further divides the group into two and further discussion is allowed.
  6. The group gets 5 to 10 minutes to discuss and one candidate is selected from the group members to narrate a common story. After which the discussion ends and candidates await for the results.

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What are mistake to be avoided in ppdt test of ssb ?

Generally, candidates do not observe the picture minutely and omit many things from picture. This should be avoided and one should include even captions if any. One may add anything in the scene to support one’s story. Due to pressure and nervousness some candidates fail to even write a single word. To avoid this, candidates must practice the art of writing descriptive essay. Take any topic and start writing. Then you will find, no difficulty in writing short but meaningful stories.Due to lack of confidence and poor power of expression, some candidates narrate their story but are not able to take part in discussion. To get recommended for stage II, you must take part in the discussion. To overcome that fear, you have to practice with a friend or in front of a mirror. To narrate their story some candidates cross the stipulated time. Normally, you should finish the narration within 60 to 90 seconds. Some candidates try to monopolise the discussion to gain some extra point but this is not going to help you. So, avoid dominating the discussion.

What are the tips for SSB PPDT test ?

The thinks that every candidate much follow for PPDT test of SSB are :
Write a story with a positive outlook and also make sure that it has a positive ending.
During narration, always be calm and composed. Always listen carefully to the person who talks, and look at the speaker only.
When you are talking, talk in a very clear tone and express points in a straight forward manner.
Maintain a good body language and a proper posture throughout your group discussion.
The points which a candidate may have missed out while writing a story, must be added at the time of narration.
Do not try to dominate the discussion by speaking more.
Do not be fussy about a single point Remember go with the group always because cooperation is an important thing.
Don’t look at the assessors while narrating the story, or during the discussion.


At the last i want to just tell you that the result of the screening test gets declared on the very same day after a few hours. Candidates who pass the test are allowed to stay back at the center for further test while the rest of the candidates are dropped at the station on the very same day. Thanks for visiting my blog .

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