AFCAT Synonyms and Antonyms Practice Questions with Answers 2023

In the AFCAT exam, every year around 2 to 5 questions are asked directly or in a sentence format from the Synonyms and Antonyms section which is very easy to score, if you practice a bunch of questions before the final exam you can easily score 6 to 15 marks. So, there are total 60 all kinds of Questions given based on Synonyms and Antonyms for practice.

Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning to that of a given word. Where Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings to that of a given word.

Answers are also attached at the end of the post from where you can tally your answers after attempting the all Questions.

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AFCAT Synonyms and Antonyms Practice Questions with Answers

Directions (Q. No. 1-2) In the following questions choose a word similar in meaning to the word given.

01. Narcissist
(a) Companion (b) Follow (c) Self-obsessed (d) Self Effacing

02. Elucidate
(a) Clarify (b) Calculate (c) Summarise (d) Update

Directions (Q. No. 3-5) In these questions, choose a word similar in meaning to the word given.

03. Allegiance
(a) Treachery (b) Appreciation (c) Loyalty (d) Careless

04. Abash
(a) Ashamed (b) Credulous (c) Unbashed (d) Undaunted

05. Altruism
(a) Selfish (b) Weak (c) Attractive (d) Selflessness

Directions (Q. No. 6-8) In the following questions, a sentence with an underlined word/words followed by four words. Select the option that is nearer to the meaning to the underlined word/words.

06. Rahul is always thrifty.
(a) reckless (b) economical (c) naive (d) extravagant

07. His salubrious words calmed the students.
(a) provoking (b) pleasant (c) ridiculous (d) thanking

08. He felt desolated after he lost his business.
(a) deserted (b) joyful (c) strong (d) annoyed

Directions (Q. No. 9-11) In these questions, choose the word similar in meaning to the word given.

09. Barren
(a) Good (b) Wholesome (c) Unproductive (d) Profitable

10. Infamy
(a) Notoriety (b) Glory (c) Integrity (d) Familiarity

11. Intrepid
(a) Hesitant (b) Fearless (c) Extrovert (d) Rash

Directions (Q. No. 12 -13) In these questions out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

12. Right
(a) Correct (b) Marked
(c) Straight (d) Finished

13. Apprehended
(a) Understood (b) Arrested (c) Feared (d) Questioned

Directions (Q. No. 14 -15) Choose the one which best expresses the same meaning of the given word.

14. Consignee
(a) Delegate (b) Representative (c) Nominee (d) Messenger

15. Momentous
(a) Important (b) Temporary (c) Fleeting (d) Monumental

Directions (Q. No. 16 -19) Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the given word.

16. Preposterous
(a) Formal (b) Judicious (c) Ridiculous (d) Ceremonious

17. Dissemble
(a) Disagree (b) Shake (c) Impeccable (d) Conceal

18. Raucous
(a) Flavourful (b) Jarring (c) Boisterous (d) Evil

19. Abrogate
(a) Put an end to (b) Elope (c) Gatecrash (d) Send away

Directions (Q. No. 20-23) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which expresses the meaning of the given words.

20. Luxuriant
(a) Luxury-loving (b) Lovely (c) Rich (d) Abundant

21. Cantankerous
(a) Cancerous (b) Ferocious (c) Quarrelsome (d) Fissiparous

22. Onus
(a) Sadness (b) Happiness (c) Responsibility (d) Criticism

23. Derision
(a) Humiliation (b) Embarrassment (c) Ridicule (d) Condemnation

Directions (Q. No. 24-27) Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the given word.

24. Nebulous
(a) Tiny (b) Vague (c) Insignificant (d) Inadequate

25. Debilitate
(a) Weaken (b) Attack (c) Surmount (d) Destroy

26. Anathema
(a) Religious Chant (b) Pun (c) Musical Subject (d) Curse

27. Penchant
(a) Liking (b) Eagerness (c) Disability (d) Keenness

Directions (Q.No. 28-31) Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the given word.

28. Sporadic
(a) Epidemic (b) Whirling (c) Occasional (d) Stagnant

29. Genesis
(a) Style (b) Beginning (c) Movement (d) Relevant

30. Intransigent
(a) Authoritative (b) Impersonal (c) Strenuous (d) Unbending

31. Intimidate
(a) Mislead (b) Misplace (c) Frighten (d) Demoralize

Directions (Q. No. 32-34) In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given.

32. Placidity
(a) Calmness (b) Agitation (c) Presence (d) Placidness

33. Incandescent
(a) Blazing (b) Genuine (c) Luminous (d) Dark

34. Dwindled
(a) Wane (b) Unnecessary (c) Sink (d) Increase

Directions (Q. No. 35-37) In the following questions, whose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

35. Adroit
(a) Skilful (b) Competent (c) Canny (d) Foolish

36. Vague
(a) Clear (b) Precise (c) Firm (d) Yielded

37. Exodus
(a) Influx (b) Home-coming (c) Return (d) Restoration

Directions (Q. No. 38-40) Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word/words.

38. It appears that the whole group is mutinous.
(a) Arrogant (b) Lucky (c) Obedient (d) Sincere

39. They consider themselves as foes from birth.
(a) Protagonists (b) Opponents (c) Friends (d) Soul mates

40. This painting has a distinctive element which can be noticed well.
(a) Salient (b) Common (c) Great (d) Unique

Directions (Q. Nos. 41-43) Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given.

41. Compassionate
(a) Unlawful (b) Heartless (c) Untrustworthy (d) Indecisive

42. Tasty
(a) Delicious (b) Insipid (c) Appetising (d) Palatable

43. Triumph
(a) Defeat (b) Victory (c) Success (d) Subjugation

Directions (Q. No. 44-46) In these questions choose the opposite word in meaning to the given word.

44. Hasten
(a) Dash (b) Dawdle (c) Hurry (d) Scurry

45. Spirited
(a) Animated (b) Excited (c) Lively (d) Dull

46. Forthright
(a) Blunt (b) Tricky (c) Candid (d) Plainspoken

Directions (Q. No. 47 – 48) Choose the word opposite in the meaning to the given word.

47. Fallible
(a) Unerring (b) Reliable (c) Falsehood (d) Trustful

48. Rough
(a) Refined (b) Charming (c) Smooth (d) Polite

Directions (Q. Nos. 49-52) Choose the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the given word.

49. Beguile
(a) Deceive (b) Honest (c) Charm (d) Cheat

50. Ameliorate
(a) Deteriorate (b) Procrastinate (c) Stagnate (d) Deviate

51. Feckless
(a) Spotted (b) Fatuous (c) Strong (d) Fawning

52. Cacophonous
(a) Tamed (b) Harmonious (c) Silent (d) Domestic

Directions (Q. Nos. 53-56) Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given words.

53. Advanced
(a) Progressed (b) Outpaced (c) Receded (d) Retarded

54. Enlighten
(a) Slander (b) Bemoan (c) Darken (d) Befog

55. Devious
(a) Straight (b) Obvious (c) Simple (d) Superficial

56. Evanescent
(a) Imminent (b) Permanent (c) Pervasive (d) Immanent

Directions (Q. Nos. 57-60) Choose the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the given word.

57. Refractory
(a) Refreshing (b) Burdensome (c) Privileged (d) Manageable

58. Insolent
(a) Sullen (b) Affable (c) Determined (d) Rich

59. Acrimonious
(a) Legal (b) Severe (c) Cursive (d) Harmonious

60. Sceptic
(a) Cryptic (b) Believer (c) Support (d) Eminent

NOTE : – If you need any help regarding your exam, preparation, or demand of e-books, video lectures, syllabus etc then let us know 📌 in the Comment Section below. 

AFCAT Synonyms and Antonyms Answers:-

01 – [c]02 – [a]03 – [c]04 – [a]05 – [d]06 – [b]07 – [b]08 – [a]09 – [c]10 – [a]
11 – [b]12 – [a]13 – [a]14 – [c]15 – [a]16 – [c]17 – [d]18 – [c]19 – [a]20 – [d]
21 – [c]22 – [c]23 – [c]24 – [b]25 – [a]26 – [d]27 – [a]28 – [c]29 – [b]30 – [d]
31 – [c]32 – [b]33 – [d]34 – [d]35 – [b]36 – [a]37 – [a]38 – [c]39 – [c]40 – [b]
41 – [b]42 – [b]43 – [a]44 – [b]45 – [d]46 – [b]47 – [a]48 – [c]49 – [b]50 – [a]
51 – [c]52 – [b]53 – [d]54 – [c]55 – [a]56 – [b]57 – [d]58 – [b]59 – [d]60 – [b]

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