AFCAT Sentence Completion Practice Questions with Answers 2023

The listed below Sentence Completion Practice Questions help you to test your preparation level of the English portion for AFCAT 2023. Here you will get total 50 questions about Sentence Completion along with Answers for reference.

AFCAT Sentence Completion Practice Questions 2023

Directions Choose the most suitable alternative to make a proper sentence.

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  1. Two miles beyond that pasture …………… seen hundreds of cattle including some lambs.
    (a) was (b) has
    (c) is (d) were
  2. The teachers face the same problems in their day to day lives as …………… an ordinary man of our society.
    (a) do (b) does
    (c) have (d) are
  3. If I …………… you I would not stand this humiliation.
    (a) am (b) was (c) were (d) be
  4. The news …………… by him.
    (a) are brought (b) was brought
    (c) have brought (d) has brought
  5. One of the developing or under-developed countries …………… not in favour of launching chemical warfare.
    (a) are (b) do (c) is (d) were
  6. It is newspapers that …………… us news.
    (a) give (b) is giving
    (c) gives (d) has given
  7. Either you or she …………… this.
    (a) have done (b) has done
    (c) would have done (d) do
  8. Many a girl …………… the movie.
    (a) have seen (b) has seen
    (c) are going to see (d) see
  9. …………… either of the two candidates been selected for the post of Branch Manager ?
    (a) Has (b) Were
    (c) Have (d) Was
  10. The police …………… on duty.
    (a) is (b) have
    (c) are (d) was
  11. The number of admissions …………… gradually fallen off.
    (a) have (b) do
    (c) are (d) has
  12. The higher you go, the more difficult it …………… to breathe.
    (a) is becoming (b) became
    (c) has become (d) becomes
  13. Everybody among the businessmen …………… enjoying drinking when the manager of the hotel was shot dead.
    (a) were (b) have been
    (c) is (d) was
  14. He with his friends …………… for hostel tonight.
    (a) are leaving (b) have left
    (c) is leaving (d) leave
  15. The owner of these shops …………… .
    (a) have gone (b) has gone
    (c) are going (d) were gone
  16. It is I who …………… calling you.
    (a) was (b) were
    (c) am (d) is
  17. What a sensation it would cause if it …………… now discovered that such a man had left behind a diary.
    (a) were (b) was
    (c) be (d) is
  18. A great poet and leader …………… .
    (a) were dead (b) die
    (c) has died (d) have died
  19. Neither he nor you …………… to go.
    (a) is (b) was
    (c) have (d) has
  20. Just outside the hotel …………… two bars, extremely beautiful as well as crowdy.
    (a) is (b) are
    (c) has been (d) was
  21. They as well as Renu …………… sweets.
    (a) like (b) likes
    (c) has liked (d) is liking
  22. She behaved as though she …………… the principal.
    (a) is (b) has been
    (c) was (d) were
  23. A body of volunteers …………… to help the faculty members in their attempt to raise the funds.
    (a) have been organised
    (b) has been organised
    (c) have to be organised
    (d) were organised
  24. He and I …………… the food.
    (a) takes (b) am taking
    (c) was taking (d) have taken
  25. The idea of introducing genes to correct heritable and other disorders …………… revolutionary.
    (a) are (b) have been
    (c) were (d) is

    Directions (Q.Nos. 51-100) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
  26. The two sisters look so ……… that it is difficult to tell one from the other.
    (a) same (b) similar (c) identical (d) alike
  27. Since one cannot read every book, one should be content with making a ……… selection.
    (a) normal (b) standard
    (c) sample (d) judicious
  28. Success comes to those, who are vigilant not to permit ……… from the chosen path.
    (a) diversion (b) deviation
    (c) obstruction (d) alienation
  29. His actions had ……… pain and suffering on thousands of people.
    (a) deplored (b) eliminated
    (c) affected (d) inflicted
  30. He has good ……… over the famous world languages.
    (a) authority (b) expertise
    (c) hold (d) command
  31. The lions in the Gir forest are protected as they come under ……… species.
    (a) dangerous (b) engendered
    (c) enamoured (d) endangered
  32. People, who have an ……… reputation are often avoided by the rest.
    (a) unsteady (b) unsavory
    (c) unsafe (d) unsatisfied
  33. My father was too ……… to push open the heavy door.
    (a) timid (b) faint
    (c) feeble (d) faltering
  34. He does not suffer from any ……… disease at all.
    (a) acute (b) chronic
    (c) temporary (d) irregular
  35. We are not sure, if their business is strictly ……… .
    (a) prudent (b) honest
    (c) judicious (d) legitimate
  36. The claims made by the manufacturer of the product are so extravagant that only the ……… will accept them on face value.
    (a) cynical (b) gullible
    (c) rich (d) indifferent
  37. Justice should be ……… even-handedly.
    (a) discharged (b) performed
    (c) declared (d) administered
  38. The leader of the opposition party condemned the communal riots in ……… terms.
    (a) unambiguous (b) unparliamentary
    (c) unequivocal (d) uncontrollable
  39. They should spend less time ……… about and more with their children.
    (a) gallivanting (b) gravitating
    (c) frisking (d) flirting
  40. The government’s handling of the situation led to ……… violations of human rights.
    (a) tumultuous (b) obvious
    (c) ostensible (d) flagrant
  41. A bullet ……… his cheek.
    (a) grazed (b) glazed
    (c) grasped (d) screamed
  42. The injured man was still groggy and could only give a ……… account of the accident.
    (a) garish (b) gangling
    (c) garbled (d) garrulous
  43. The teacher’s counsel had a ……… effect on the mischievous student’s conduct.
    (a) memorable (b) salutary
    (c) sudden (d) forceful
  44. The majority of village folk in India are illiterate and ……… superstitious.
    (a) overtly (b) delicately
    (c) stubbornly (d) covertly
  45. I must admit that my parents stood by me in my times of ……… .
    (a) passion (b) duress
    (c) involvement (d) criticism
  46. Even, if it rains all day I will not be able to ……… my journey.
    (a) put by (b) put out
    (c) put off (d) put away
  47. One of the players forgot to ………
    (a) turn up for practice (b) run away from school
    (c) buy shoes for the exam (d) bring his books for the match
  48. The teacher let us ……..
    (a) to go early (b) to leave early
    (c) go early (d) early to go
  49. You may bring your dog where ……
    (a) you have to pay (b) there is no water
    (c) pets are allowed (d) pets can sleep
  50. Work hard so that you ………
    (a) shall get good marks (b) may get good marks
    (c) will get good marks (d) should get good marks
NOTE : – If you need any help regarding your exam, preparation, or demand of e-books, video lectures, syllabus etc then let us know 📌 in the Comment Section below. 


01 – [d]02 – [b]03 – [c]04 – [b]05 – [c]
06 – [a]07 – [b]08 – [b]09 – [a]10 – [c]
11 – [d]12 – [d]13 – [d]14 – [c]15 – [b]
16 – [c]17 – [a]18 – [c]19 – [c]20 – [b]
21 – [a]22 – [d]23 – [b]24 – [d]25 – [d]
26 – [d]27 – [d]28 – [b]29 – [d]30 – [d]
31 – [d]32 – [b]33 – [c]34 – [b]35 – [d]
36 – [b]37 – [d]38 – [c]39 – [a]40 – [d]
41 – [a]42 – [c]43 – [b]44 – [c]45 – [b]
46 – [c]47 – [a]48 – [c]49 – [c]50 – [b]

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