200+ Airforce Agniveer General Science One Liner 2023 PDF Download

Airforce Agniveer General Science One Liner 2023: If you have finished your syllabus of Airforce Agniveer then read these one liners to revise General Science section. These one liners are  prepared by our expert faculties that help student to revise their syllabus quickly so that they can perform better in the mock test. Quick revision is a pill that boost your confidence at the last moment.

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In this particular post, we have compiled 200+ General Science key points separately for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. These are specially for those students who are preparing for any of the Airforce Exams where general science is available in their syllabus.

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200+ Airforce Agniveer General Science One Liner 2023

General Science : Physics

  • 01. What is the unit of work : Joule
  • 02. Light year is the unit of distance
  • 03. What is the unit of Force : Newton
  • 04. Parsec is the unit of: Distance
  • 05. Lumen is the unit of: Light flux
  • 06. What is the unit of flame: flux
  • 07. Candela is the unit of: Light intensity
  • 08. What is the SI unit of Energy – Joule
  • 09. What is the unit of measurement of magnetic field : Tesla
  • 10. Hertz is the unit of measurement : Frequency of waves
  • 11. What is the unit of electrical quantity : Ampere
  • 12. What is the SI unit of power of lens : diopter
  • 13. Unit of Resistance – Ohm
  • 14. Unit of viscosity – poise
  • 15. What is the unit of measurement of intensity of sound: decibel (dB)
  • 16. Young’s elasticity coefficient – : Newton / m2
  • 17. Unit of Temperature – Kelvin
  • 18. Unit of momentum : kgm / sec
  • 19. What is the dimension of Planck’s constant: Angular momentum
  • 20. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, this is the Newton’s Baba – Third law of motion
  • 21. On moving from the equator to the poles, the value of g increases
  • 22. What does the sudden drop in the barometric temperature signify – Storm
  • 23. The reason for the formation of energy on the Sun – Nuclear fusion
  • 24. Dynamo converts – mechanical energy into electrical energy
  • 25. The use of hydraulic brakes in automatic vehicles is the application of which law – Pascal
  • 26. On which principle washing machine works – Centrifugation
  • 27. Periodicity of Geostationary Satellite – 24 hours (imp)
  • 28. Altitude of the synchronous satellite from the location of the earth – 36,000 km
  • 29. If the length of a pendulum is increased by 4%, then its period will increase by 2%
  • 30. Reason for expansion of a drop of oil in water – Surface tension
  • 31. Cause of sticking of shaving brushes when removed from water – Surface tension
  • 32. Due to which oil rises in the lamp light – capillarity
  • 33. An iron needle sinks in water but the ship floats, the reason for this – Archimedes’ principle
  • 34. Escape velocity of Earth – 11.2 km/sec
  • 35. The flow of water is measured by – cusec
  • 36. What is the energy in the clock spring – potential energy
  • 37. Bernoulli’s principle is the statement of conservation of energy
  • 38. Best conductor of heat – Silver
  • 39. The first law of thermodynamics is conserved – energy
  • 40. Nature of Sound Waves – Longitudinal
  • 41. Frequency of Infrared Waves – Less than 20 Hz
  • 42. Velocity of sound in air – 330 m/s
  • 43. Standard sound level for humans – 60 dB
  • 44. What type of wave are light waves – Transverse
  • 45. Who first discovered the speed of light – Romer
  • 46. Coin appears to be raised in a vessel filled with water, why – Refraction
  • 47. A pond of water appears less deep, why – Refraction
  • 48. Where is the image of an object formed on the human eye – Retina
  • 49. How does an air bubble in water work – a concave lens
  • 50. Which color of light has the highest energy – Violet
    • Maximum wavelength – red color
    • shortest wavelength – violet
  • 51. Minimum apparent distance to the human eye – 25 cm
    • Myopia is corrected – by a concave lens
    • Farsightedness is corrected – by convex lens
  • 52. Alternating current is converted to direct current – Rectifier
    • Converts electrical energy into mechanical energy – Electric motor
    • Transformers are used – for reducing and oxidizing the AC voltage
    • Microphone does :- Mechanical Energy to Sound Energy
  • 53. Resistivity of ideal voltmeter – infinity
  • 54. In what order are the fans and bulbs installed in the houses – in parallel order
  • 55. Sulfuric acid is used as an electrolyte in a car battery
  • 56. 1 kilowatt hour = 3.6 × 106 joules
  • 57. The value of the angle of dip at the poles – 90°
  • 58. High Temperature – Pyrometer
    • Relative Humidity – Hygrometer
    • Milk Density – Lactometer
    • Sound intensity – decibels
    • Depth of the Sea – Fadometer
    • Wind Speed – Anemometer
    • 1 hp – 746 watts
  • 59. What is the distance of a light year – : 9.46 × 1015
    • The value of 1 kcal of heat is : 4.2 × 103 joules
    • 1 megawatt hour is equal to: 3.6 × 109 joules
    • 1 joule is equal to 107 ergs
    • How many meters are in 1 Angstrom 10-10 meter
    • 1 micron is equal to 10-3 mm
    • The speed of light in vacuum is : 3 × 108 m/s
    • The value of Planck’s constant is : 6.63 × 10-34 joule seconds
  • 60. Unit of charge :- Coulomb
    • Unit of measurement of power consumption :- kilowatt hour
    • What is the unit of electron volt :- Charge
    • What is the unit of resistance :- Ohm
    • What is the unit of radio activity :- Curie / Becquerel
  • 61. What is Newton’s first law called :- Law of Inertia
  • 62. On which law is the boat moving, the rocket moving, the top pushing backwards after firing: – Newton’s third law of motion
  • 63. Scalar Quantity :- Time, Volume, Density, Distance, Mass, Energy
  • 64. Vector Quantity :- Momentum, Displacement, Force
  • 65. Why does churning of milk separate the cream in it due to – centrifugal force
  • 66. Where is the value of acceleration due to gravity maximum at the poles – Maximum
  • 67. What is the reason for the roundness of raindrops :- Surface tension
  • 68. A rocket works on the principle of conservation of :- Linear momentum
  • 69. At which temperature the density of water is highest :- 4 degree Celsius
  • 70. If the barometer rises, it is an indicator of :- Clear Weather
  • 71. The direct change of matter from solid state to gas state is called :- Sublimation
  • 72. When the door of the refrigerator kept in a closed room is kept open, the temperature of the room :- Increases
  • 73. What is the absolute zero temperature :- 0K or – 273°C
  • 74. When Celsius and Fahrenheit scale are same :- At -40°C
  • 75. The speed of sound is maximum in:- In steel
  • 76. The audible range of sound by humans is :- 20Hz – 20kHz
  • 77. Which waves are used in sonar :- Ultrasonic Waves
  • 78. Transverse waves can be transmitted by :- Solid, Liquid, Gases
  • 79. The thunder of clouds is heard later whereas the flash of lightning is seen earlier because the speed of light is greater than the speed of sound.
  • 80. Which lens is used to correct myopia :- Concave lens (concave lens)
  • 81. Why does a coin put in water seem to be raised: – Refraction
  • 82. Which part of the eye is donated in eye donation :- Cornea
  • 83. Why diamond shines :- Due to total internal reflection
  • 84. Why the sky appears blue :- Scattering
  • 85. Why stars twinkle :- Due to refraction
  • 86. Why does the sky appear red during sunrise and sunset :- Due to scattering of light
  • 87. Convex mirror is used by :- To see behind the car
  • 88. Where concave mirror is used by the doctor –  while shaving
  • 89. The focal length of a plane mirror is :- Infinity
  • 90. In what time does the sun’s light reach the earth in 500 seconds (8 min.)
  • 91. Periscope works on the principle of :- Reflection
  • 92. Which wave has the highest wavelength :- Radio wave
  • 93. Best conductor of heat is :- Silver
  • 94. Electric current is measured by :- Ammeter
  • 95. Why is the filament of the bulb made of tungsten :- Its melting point is very high
  • 96. How is a fuse :- Low melting point
  • 97. On increasing the length of a conducting wire, its resistance :- increases
  • 98. What type of energy will be found in flowing water :- Kinetic
  • 99. What energy will be found in a stationary bus :- Potential
  • 100. Which element is found in maximum quantity in the Sun :- Hydrogen
  • 101. Instrument for measuring earthquake waves :- Seismograph
  • 102. 1 Calorie :- 4.2 Joule
  • 103. Atmosphere on earth is frozen :- Due to gravity
  • 104. Why food cooks faster in pressure cooker :- Due to rise in Pressure which increases the Boiling Point of Water

General Science : Chemistry

  • 105. Discovery of electron :- JJ Thomson
  • 106. Discovery of Proton :- Rutherford/Goldstein
  • 107. Discovery of Neutron :- James Chadwick
  • 108. Which metal is found in liquid state :- Mercury
  • 109. Which non-metal is found in liquid state :- Bromine
  • 110. The purest form of carbon :- Diamond
  • 111. What is dry ice called :- Solid carbon dioxide
  • 112. Chemical formula of Heavy Water – D2O
  • 113. Allotrope of carbon which is a good conductor of electricity and heat :- Graphite
  • 114. Which gas do plants take in the process of photosynthesis :- Carbon dioxide
  • 115. Chemical formula Name of Laughing gas is :- Nitrous oxide
  • 116. Which gas is also known as Marsh gas :- Methane
  • 117. Lime water gets distance from which gas – carbon dioxide
  • 118. Chemical Formula of Calcium Carbonate :- CaCO3
  • 119. Chemical formula of glucose -: C6H12O6
  • 120. Which substance is present in matches :- Red Phosphorus
  • 121. What is the atomic number of carbon :- 6
  • 122. What is the boiling point of water (B.P. of Water) :- 100°C
  • 123. Which gas is found in maximum amount in air :- Nitrogen (78%)
  • 124. Common name of sodium bi carbonate :- Baking soda
  • 125. Common name of sodium carbonate :- Washing soda
  • 126. Whose ore is bauxite :- aluminum
  • 127. Chemical Formula of Chloroform :- CHCl3
  • 128. Who discovered radioactivity – Henry
  • 129. What is the unit of Becquerel radioactivity – Curie
  • 130. Who determined the pH value: Sorenson
  • 131. What is the pH value of acidic solution – : less than 7
  • 132. What is the pH value of alkaline solution – : more than 7
  • 133. What is the pH value of neutral solution : 7
  • 134. What is the pH value of blood : – 7.4
  • 135. What is the pH value of milk: 6.6
  • 136. Which gas is mainly in LPG: Butane
  • 137. What is the chemical formula of washing soda – Na2CO3. 10H2O
  • 138. What is the chemical formula of Baking Soda : NaHCO3
  • 139. What is the chemical name of Baking Soda: Sodium Bicarbonate
  • 140. bauxite is ore of : aluminum
  • 141. What is the chemical name of unslaked lime: Calcium oxide
  • 142. What is the chemical name of plaster of Paris : – Calcium Sulphate hydrate
  • 143. The weight of iron increases when it rusts.
  • 144. Which metal element is found in hemoglobin – : Iron
  • 145. Which is the purest form of iron: wrought iron
  • 146. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin
  • 147. What is the chemical formula of blueberry : CuSO4.
  • 148. Which layer is applied on the plate of photography: Silver bromide
  • 149. Mercury is known as quick silver
  • 150. What is the chemical formula of vermilion – : HgS
  • 151. Which metal is used in accumulator batteries : – Lead
  • 152. Which is the hardest material : – diamond
  • 153. Which element is used to get nuclear energy – : Uranium
  • 154. Fuse wire is made of an alloy of tin and lead
  • 155. Which is the most abundant inert gas found in the atmosphere – : Argon
  • 156. Which gas is used in electric bulb: Argon
  • 157. Formic acid is produced by Red ant
  • 158. Which acid is found in apple: Malic acid
  • 159. Which acid is found in vinegar: Ethanoic acid
  • 160. Which acid is found in sourness of curd: Lactic acid
  • 161. Citric acid is found in: Lemon
  • 162. Which acid is found in grapes – tartaric acid
  • 163. Which acid is found in tamarind – tartaric acid
  • 164. The chemical name of Blue Vitriol is: Copper Sulphate
  • 165. Who propounded the atomic theory of matter :- John Dalton
  • 166. Due to which rust occurs in iron :- Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide
  • 167. What is filled in electric bulb :- Argon
  • 168. Electroplating – Galvanization
  • 169. Which of the metal is used: – Zinc
  • 170. Which alloy contains bronze, lead and tin :- Rose metal

General Science : Biology

  • 171. Inventor of blood group – Landsteiner
  • 172. Universal receptor blood group – AB group
  • 173. Universal Donor -: O Group
  • 174. The reason for the yellow color of human urine – Urochrome
  • 175. Functional unit of kidney – nephron
  • 176. Which gland is called master gland – pituitary gland
  • 177. Who discovered the cell :- Robert Hook
  • 178. The energy currency of a living cell is – ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
  • 179. Largest cell :- Ostrich Egg
  • 180. What is not found in animal cell :- Cell wall
  • 181. Responsible for protein synthesis in the cell :- Ribosome
  • 182. Power House of the Cell :- Mitochondria (imp)
  • 183. Suicide Bag of the Cell :- Lysosome
  • 184. Number of chromosomes in humans :- 46
  • 185. Who discovered DNA :- Watson and Crick
  • 186. Full Form of DNA : Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid
  • 187. DNA is present in : Nucleus (in the nucleus)
  • 188. Normal human blood pressure :- 120/80 mm of Hg
  • 189. Who discovered blood circulation :- William Harvey
  • 190. Who discovered the blood group :- Landsteiner
  • 191. Who discovered the first Antibiotic Penicillin :- Alexander Fleming
  • 192. Who discovered Polio Vaccine :- Jonas Salk
  • 193. Main organ digesting food :- Small Intestine
  • 194. Why the color of blood is red :- Due to the presence of iron in hemoglobin
  • 195. How many times does the human heart beat in 1 minute :- 60-100 Beats/Minute
  • 195. Which vitamin gets destroyed while cooking food: Vitamin C
  • 196. Which substance mainly provides energy :- Carbohydrate
  • 197. Largest gland of human body :- Liver
  • 198. Largest Organ :- Skin
  • 199. Which protein is present in sand and nails :- Keratin
  • 200. How many chambers are there in human heart :- 4
  • 201. Total number of bones in human :- 206
  • 202. Longest bone of human body :- Femur
  • 203. Smallest bone of human body :- Stapes
  • 204. How much blood is there in normal human :- 5 Liters
  • 205. What is used to measure blood pressure :- Sphygmomanometer (Imp)
  • 206. Male Hormone :- Testosterone
  • 207. Female Hormone :- Estrogen
  • 208. Life Span of RBCs :- 120 Days
    • Life Span of WBCs :- 12-20 Days
    • Graveyard of RBCs :- Spleen
  • 209. Which vitamin contains metal :- Vitamin B12
  • 210. Vitamin A(Retinol):- Night Blindness
  • 211. Vitamin B :- Beri-Beri
  • 212. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) :- Scurvy
  • 213. Vitamin D(Calciferol) :- Rickets
  • 214. Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B12: Pellagra
  • 215. Due to the deficiency of which vitamin, blood leaks from the gums :- Vitamin C
  • 216. Due to the deficiency of which vitamin the blood does not clot: – Vitamin K
  • 217. Which vitamin is in sour follow: Vitamin C
  • 216. Water soluble vitamins :- Vitamin B&C
  • 217. Fat Soluble Vitamins :- Vitamin A, D, E, & K
  • 218. Which vitamin is not present in fruits and vegetables :- Vitamin D
  • 219. Major source of Vitamin D :- Sun light
  • 220. Which type of tissue is a Blood :- Connective tissue
  • 221. What is the weight of human brain :- 1300g
  • 222. Weight of human heart :- 300 g
  • 223. Why is the color of tomato red :- Lycopene
  • 224. Why the color of carrot is red :- Lycopene
  • 225. Why leaves are green :- Due to magnesium present in chlorophyll
  • 226. Viral Diseases :- AIDS, Polio, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Measles, Dengue, Rabies, Chikunguniya
  • 227. Diseases due to Bacteria :- Cholera, TB, Tetanus, Typhoid, Leprosy, Diarrhoea
  • 228. Diseases due to Fungus :- Baldness, Athlete’s Foot, Asthma
  • 229. Diseases due to Protozoa :- Malaria
  • 230. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of iodine: – Gout disease
  • 231. Glaucoma disease affects :- Eye
  • 232. Jaundice disease affects :- Liver
  • 233. Leukemia disease affects :- Blood cells
  • 234. Water rises in plants :- Xylem
  • 235. Food moves up in plants :- Phloem
  • 236. Which gas hormone is responsible for the ripening of fruits :- Ethylene
  • 237. Which animal has the longest life span :- Turtle
  • 238. Most harmful pollutant emitted from vehicles : No2, Co2
  • 239. Gas responsible for Bhopal gas tragedy Calcium :- Methyl isocyanate
  • 240. main source of protein :- Soyabeans
  • 241. How many amino acids are found in protein :- 20
  • 242. Cell division takes place by which process :- Mitosis
  • 243. Male Part of Flower :- Stamen
  • 244. Female part of Flower :- Carpel
  • 245. Arteries Carry :- Oxygenated Blood
    • (Exception :- Pulmonary Artery)
  • 246. Veins carry :- Deoxygenated Blood
    • (Exception :- Pulmonary Vein)
  • 247. Action Unit of Brain :- Neuron

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200+ Airforce Agniveer General Science One Liner 2023 PDF Download in Hindi/English

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