AFCAT Vocabulary Questions for Practice with Answers 2023

Below some variety of Questions are Given on the Basis of Vocabulary like Alternative words, wrongly spelt words, misspelt etc. Practice them and test your preparation level for AFCAT 2023.

There are total 50 Vocabulary Questions listed and Answers are also attached at the ending section of the post, so from where you can tally your answers.

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-5) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word sentence.

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  • 01. A government by officials.
    • (a) Oligarchy
    • (b) Aristocracy
    • (c) Plutocracy
    • (d) Bureaucracy
  • 02. One who walks in sleep.
    • (a) Somniloquist
    • (b) Egoist
    • (c) Somnambulist
    • (d) Altruist
  • 03. Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter.
    • (a) Pun
    • (b) Alliteration
    • (c) Transferred epithet
    • (d) Oxymoron
  • 04. A specialist who tests eyesight.
    • (a) Optician
    • (b) Ophthalmologist
    • (c) Ichthyologist
    • (d) Neurologist
  • 05. A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area.
    • (a) Dam
    • (b) Mound
    • (c) Dyke
    • (d) Embankment

Directions (Q. Nos. 6-10) In these questions out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.

  • 06. A group of three books, films etc, that have the same subject or characters
    • (a) Trinity
    • (b) Trilogy
    • (c) Trio
    • (d) Tripod
  • 07. A study of the human race.
    • (a) Anthropology
    • (b) Archaeology
    • (c) Ethnology
    • (d) Etymology
  • 08. A remedy for all diseases is
    • (a) Stoic
    • (b) Marvel
    • (c) Panacea
    • (d) Recompense
  • 09. A place where treasures of art, curios are preserved or exhibited
    • (a) Museum
    • (b) Stable
    • (c)Library
    • (d) Studio
  • 10. Associated with God or religion
    • (a) Humbly
    • (b) Holy
    • (c) Virtuous
    • (d) Godly

Directions (Q. Nos. 11-14) Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.

  • 11. Belonging to all parts of the world
    • (a) Versatile
    • (b) Universal
    • (c) Cosmopolitan
    • (d) Secular
  • 12. The study of the origin and history of words
    • (a) Linguistics
    • (b) Etymology
    • (c) Verbose
    • (d) Anthology
  • 13. Tough tissues in joints
    • (a) Ligaments
    • (b) Endoderm
    • (c) Muscles
    • (d) Fibre
  • 14. One who goes to settle in another country
    • (a) Immigrant
    • (b) Alien
    • (c) Citizen
    • (d) Emigrant

Directions (Q. Nos. 15-18) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

  • 15. One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage
    • (a) Compositor
    • (b) Stoker
    • (c) Stowaway
    • (d) Shipwright
  • 16. Clues available at a scene
    • (a) Circumstantial
    • (b) Derivative
    • (c) Inferential
    • (d) Suggestive
  • 17. An unexpected piece of good fortune
    • (a) Windfall
    • (b) Philanthropy
    • (c) Benevolence
    • (d) Turnstile
  • 18. Detaining and confining someone
    • (a) Interruption
    • (b) Interrogation
    • (c) Interment
    • (d) Internment

Directions (Q. Nos. 19-23) Four words are given in each question, out of which one word is wrongly spelt. Find the wrongly spelt word.

  • 19.
    • (a) Deliquency
    • (b) Friquency
    • (c) Discrepency
    • (d) Hesitancy
  • 20.
    • (a) Harassment
    • (b) Commitment
    • (c) Breevement
    • (d) Temparament
  • 21.
    • (a) Handicaped
    • (b) Frolicked
    • (c) Kidnaped
    • (d) Developed
  • 22.
    • (a) Mischeivous
    • (b) Miscariage
    • (c) Misdemeanour
    • (d) Misnomar
  • 23.
    • (a) Capracious
    • (b) Auspicious
    • (c) Fallicious
    • (d) Dalicious

Directions (Q. Nos. 24-28) In the questions given below, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

  • 24.
    • (a) Efflorescence
    • (b) Eflorescence
    • (c) Efflorrescence
    • (d) Efloreescence
  • 25.
    • (a) Liaission
    • (b) Liaison
    • (c) Lieaison
    • (d) Liaaison
  • 26.
    • (a) Entreepreneur
    • (b) Entrepreeneur
    • (c) Entrepreneur
    • (d) Entreppreneur
  • 27.
    • (a) Equanemity
    • (b) Equaninity
    • (c) Equamimity
    • (d) Equanimity
  • 28.
    • (a) Embarrassment
    • (b) Embarassment
    • (c) Embarrasment
    • (d) Embarasment

Directions (Q. Nos. 29-32) Find out the misspelt word.

  • 29.
    • (a) Impetuous
    • (b) Impertinant
    • (c) Imperial
    • (d) Implication
  • 30.
    • (a) Mercenary
    • (b) Machinery
    • (c) Missionery
    • (d) Visionary
  • 31.
    • (a) Seize
    • (b) Decieve
    • (c) Believe (d) Reign
  • 32.
    • (a) Prefer
    • (b) Defer
    • (c) Difer
    • (d) Refer

Directions (Q. Nos. 33-36) Choose the correctly spelt word.

  • 33.
    • (a) Ascendancy
    • (b) Ascendncy
    • (c) Ascandency
    • (d) Acsendancy
  • 34.
    • (a) Hegamony
    • (b) Hegemony
    • (c) Hegemoney
    • (d) Hegamoney
  • 35.
    • (a) Parpetuate
    • (b) Perpetuete
    • (c) Perpetuate
    • (d) Perpatuate
  • 36.
    • (a) Apocaleptic
    • (b) Apocalaptic
    • (c) Apocalyptic
    • (d) Apacalyptic

Directions (Q. Nos. 37-41) Group of four words are given below. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

  • 37.
    • (a) Collaborate
    • (b) Comemorate
    • (c) Colate
    • (d) Choclate
  • 38.
    • (a) Circuiteous
    • (b) Clairvoyant
    • (c) Chivelery
    • (d) Cavelcade
  • 39.
    • (a) Severety
    • (b) Sovereignty
    • (c) Superiorty
    • (d) Serenity
  • 40.
    • (a) Parapharnelia
    • (b) Parsimonious
    • (c) Peccadilo
    • (d) Peadiatrics
  • 41.
    • (a) Measureable
    • (b) Manageable
    • (c) Marriagable
    • (d) Manoevrable

Directions (Q. Nos. 42-46) Choose the correctly spelt word.

  • 42.
    • (a) Dolorous
    • (b) Dolurous
    • (c) Doloreus
    • (d) Delorious
  • 43.
    • (a) Condiut
    • (b) Conduit
    • (c) Connduit
    • (d) Condeut
  • 44.
    • (a) Gragarious
    • (b) Gragerious
    • (c) Gregarious
    • (d) Grigareous
  • 45.
    • (a) Intrensic
    • (b) Intrinsic
    • (c) Entrensic
    • (d) Entrinsec
  • 46.
    • (a) Sepulchral
    • (b) Sepalchrle
    • (c) Sepalchral
    • (d) Sepulchrle

Directions (Q. Nos. 47-50) Choose the correctly spelt word.

  • 47.
    • (a) Konnoisseur
    • (b) Conoisseur
    • (c) Connoisseur
    • (d) Konoisseur
  • 48.
    • (a) Munifisent
    • (b) Muneficent
    • (c) Munificent
    • (d) Munificient
  • 49.
    • (a) Equanimity
    • (b) Equannimity
    • (c) Equanimmisty
    • (d) Equinimity
  • 50.
    • (a) Vetarinary
    • (b) Veteninary
    • (c) Veterinary
    • (d) Vetniary

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